Becca is from Liverpool and has just graduated from King's College Cambridge with a degree in English Literature. On the trip she is hoping to work with lots of awesome kids, eat everything delicious, and get a pet tiger.

Hannah is from Norwich and is studying Theology at Fitzwilliam College in Cambridge. Hannah loves working with kids, largely because it's nice not being the shortest person in the room for a change.She is looking forward to being in one of the most intensely religious countries in the world, bathing in mango lassi and not contracting malaria.

Emma has just finished her first year at Homerton College studying Education with English and Drama. She's joining the team after the Delhi placement due to prior commitments in Italy but cannot wait to get stuck in when she arrives!
Holly is from Surrey and has just finished her degree in Zoology at King's College, Cambridge. She is looking forward to going doolally with some amazing young-uns, hunting down lots of cuddly critters to smuggle home and finding an elephant to be her new best bud. She also vows not to get bitten by any creepy crawlies, though doubts the validity of that claim.
Ryan hails from New Zealand and, when he's not battlng language and culture barriers, he studies English at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. His hobbies include feeding sheep, shearing sheep, photographing sheep, taking sheep for long walks on the beach and watching 'Lord of the Rings: The Extended Edition'. He can't wait for the challenge of six weeks in India and especially looks forward to teaching the children how to sing 'Concerning Hobbits'.

Luke is from London and has finished his first year of studying English at Trinity Hall, Cambridge. He’s looking forward to getting out of the house, ordering the ‘not spicy’ option, and the smell of Deet in the morning. He feels very lucky to be a part of the Rickshaw project and can’t wait to see what the kids come up with this summer!

Alice is from Birmingham and has just graduated with a very useful History degree from Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge. She is looking forward to 7 weeks of creative mayhem in an amazing country and hopes not to lose any members of the team or be eaten by Becca’s new pet Tiger.

Nika is studying Modern and Medieval Languages at Cambridge, where she is endlessly ridiculed for her love of lentils and chickpeas, and is therefore looking forward to seven weeks of calling them breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Joshan is an english student at Fitz who is really looking forward to visiting India for the first time, working with kids and seeing an elephant. He is also excited about not spending his summer watching re runs of Come Dine With Me.
Helena is a proud Yorkshire lassy, who studies Education, English and Drama at Homerton College. She is terrified of most creepy crawlies and isn't the biggest fan of spicy food, and so is looking forward to seeing if she will successfully embrace the challenges India will present, or run around screaming for six weeks. She is ridiculously excited, however, to meet and do theatre with loads of amazing kids!
Josh Loves JOSHan... hihhhiiiiihi