Once upon a time there were ten rickshaw theatre students who wanted nothing more than to teach drama to children in Nepal. Alas it was not to be. For the great city of Kathmandu was besieged by festivals and strikes which paid no heed to the team's enthusiasm and continued with full vigour into our second week. Despite the pitfalls and pratfalls of Nepali organisation, we strode bravely into the fray and were rewarded with at least two successful sessions. The most notable of these was our penultimate class in which those members of the team not wounded in action combined forces. We were fortunate enough to be privy to the comedic talent of the kids whose clowning abilities had us in stitches. The final ever teaching session was a delight with a nostalgic (read 'begrudging') revisiting of Oo Kawayah and Splat.
A word on the week's distractions. One of said festivals was the Indra Jatra festival, the biggest religious street festival in Kathmandu, celebrating the end of the monsoon season. The team spent Wednesday afternoon clambering up temples and being ushered about by rather adorable riot police in their attempts to catch a glimpse of the Kumari Devi: the most important living goddess in Nepal. Ryan even saw her.
The second major distraction of the week (from the perspective of your authors, Alice and Becca) was the kneading out of three years' worth of Cambridge Stress. Our lovely team treated us to a Seeing Hands massage - a vigorous proceedure carried out by blind masseurs. It was heaven. Thank you.
On a similar note, as we near the end of our time with this group of amazing, kind, hardworking oddities (the RTP team obvs) we would like to say what a pleasure it has been. We could not have dreamed up a better team and we will miss you all stupa-endously. Lol.
And finally, while we're getting all gooey, a little note to say how fantastically brilliant the children have been. Their eagerness, energy and (sometimes) patience in working with us has made the past seven weeks not only worthwhile but wonderful.

A word on the week's distractions. One of said festivals was the Indra Jatra festival, the biggest religious street festival in Kathmandu, celebrating the end of the monsoon season. The team spent Wednesday afternoon clambering up temples and being ushered about by rather adorable riot police in their attempts to catch a glimpse of the Kumari Devi: the most important living goddess in Nepal. Ryan even saw her.
The second major distraction of the week (from the perspective of your authors, Alice and Becca) was the kneading out of three years' worth of Cambridge Stress. Our lovely team treated us to a Seeing Hands massage - a vigorous proceedure carried out by blind masseurs. It was heaven. Thank you.
On a similar note, as we near the end of our time with this group of amazing, kind, hardworking oddities (the RTP team obvs) we would like to say what a pleasure it has been. We could not have dreamed up a better team and we will miss you all stupa-endously. Lol.
And finally, while we're getting all gooey, a little note to say how fantastically brilliant the children have been. Their eagerness, energy and (sometimes) patience in working with us has made the past seven weeks not only worthwhile but wonderful.
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