Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Welcome to the Jungle (we've got fun and games)

Luke 'Gentleman Explorer' Sumner

 Here's a fun game: message your parents to inform them that you are embarking on a weekend in the jungle, complete with wild animals, and then fail to respond to any of their attempts to get in touch for three days. Fortunately, we all survived. The most dangerous thing about Chitwan turned out to be the restaurants.
You would almost certainly rather look at pictures than read more of my attempts at wit, so I will leave you with the following - and a little insight into Mr Sumner's gentlemanly hi-jinks in the jungle...

Saturday 14th September, Year of Our Lord, Two-Thousand and Thirteen

Rather dark to wake, but a six hour trip excuses this behavior. Gay old journey for the masculine triad of our party, but I must admit my rather obtuse sleeping angles. Devilish heat in Chitwan and all the beast are no less profane - quite grotesque appendages on the face! Yet, oddly captivating... I had to remove myself from Bashanti the elephant after feeling overcome.

Love to Donald, Gummy and Blotcher

Completed the jungle walk - rotten blasted heat! Not even my ingenious camouflage could cessuage the sun. deeply enjoyed the jungle - not unlike our forests at home. Our guide enlightened us on trees and poked cotton bugs. Awfully fun start!
Love to Jonjo, Crick and Squiff

Jove himself could not produce such a show! Tales of school days sent us off a-slumber before the racket. (*Editor's note- this is a rather obscure reference to a monsoon*) Awoke to tussle with elephant calves and bathe adults, which I confess quickened the pulse. Elephant safari left us feeling rather secure in the presence of rhinos, hogs, apes, deer... And the most fearful of all... The Owl. One last love exchange with Basanti rendered me feverish... I pray this malaise leaves as I exit this sanctuary.
As always, love to Mungo, Norker and Chontz.
P.s. Basanti, my beloved, prosper well.
BATHING TIME  with Basanti
The archetypal 'westerners in the wild' photo.
Nika managing to look like she's anywhere but on a Nepali dug-out canoe

Why sit in the Jeep when the roof is so much less comfortable? 

Our hotel's resident elephant, Basanti

Introducing...the divergent 'nature faces' of Holly and Emma


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