Tuesday, 27 August 2013

When you're Taj-ing (the whole world taj-es with you)

Joshan's only photo from one of the most beautiful sites in the world.
Firstly, a short note of apology to our growing Slovenian fan base. The blogging laptop is now most likely being sold off the back of a dodgy van somewhere between Lucknow and Agra, after a series of Unfortunate Events on a sleeper train, and so updates have been somewhat delayed. By way of apology, we offer you some gloriously touristy photos of the Taj Mahal. Because, when in India, you go Taj or you go home.

Some serious Taj appreciation going on

Putting on Taj booties

'Mr Oddie', the Steven Merchant eyed dog. And Joshan's only friend.
 So I was meaning to write lots of witty and interesting things about our time in Agra before we start updating you on Lucknow. But we only had about 3 hours sleep pre-Taj, and so we're not entirely sure what happened. Though there are some nightmarish memories involving a coffee shop and Lady Gaga playing at a volume that made the chair next to me bleed.

Prison. Or the sleeper train.
Joshan licking the Taj. We've had to begin a douche-bag jar.

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