I feel like this, our last post in Delhi, should have a more contemplative tone to it - but given that the team's responses to 'best bits of Delhi' have included 'the metro', 'I'm not sure I'm in the right frame of mind for that question right now' and 'seeing that dog do that runny poo' I don't think that's going to happen.
Instead, I could tell you about Ryan's glorious 'dirty Sanchez' moustache effort, the 3 Danish guys at the hostel that Ryan, Joshan and Luke have been playing it cool with for a week now (treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen), Helena's disconcertingly well-practiced hair-flick in our re-enactment of 'Chennai Express' and Alice's iron-clad constitution while the rest of us have been cut down in our prime.

Or possibly we could regale you with details of all the awkward moments and stumbles we've had in between activities, when we can see attention and interest beginning to drop and we've looked at each other with blank fear. There are only so many variations of 'copy my silly dance' you can play...
Or we could rant about all the traffic, the times we've been ill after eating, the touts, the constantly being ripped off. But perhaps you'd rather hear about all the lovely and helpful people we've met in Delhi - Smyle Inn comes highly recommended as a place to stay, we've eaten in some weird and wonderful places, our placements have faithfully provided lunch for us - not to mention the beautiful cards we were presented with today.
Delhi, you're Really Rather Odd. We don't know what to do with you. Two weeks isn't long enough to find out, probably.
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